be addicted to

[bi əˈdɪktɪd tu]
  • 释义
  • 沉迷于;有瘾;醉;嗜;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Sometimes, we choose to be addicted to TV series or games to kill time.

    有些时候, 我们选择电视连续剧或游戏来打发时间.

  • 2、

    After that we were addicted to study.


  • 3、

    Some people may be addicted to net surfing, which impairs their and mental health.

    有些人可能沉溺于网上冲浪, 这会危害他们的身心健康.

  • 4、

    Some people be addicted to net surfing, whelloch impairs their physical and mental health.

    有些人可能沉溺于网上冲浪, 这会危害她们的身心健康.

  • 5、

    We think he will not be addicted to computer games any longer.


  • 6、

    The problem is that officials in China appear to be addicted to European luxury brands.


  • 7、

    Some people be addicted to net surfing , which impairs their physical and mental health.

    有些人可能沉溺于网络, 这有害身心健康.

  • 8、

    You might as well face it. to a new study, you really be addicted to love.

    你可能也会遇到这种情况. 根据一项新的研究, 你确实会沉溺爱情.

  • 9、

    Some people may be addicted to net surfing, which impairs their physical and mental health.

    有些人沉迷于网上冲浪, 这对他们的身心健康有害.

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